Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 173 - January Budget

January Budget

Total Income: I have built in $300 of other income for my Flex spending account for medical expenses.

Vehicles: Includes 3 payments, insurance, fuel and service. (I think I know where I need to cut expense at).

Personal: Life and disability insurance, medical expenses and personal care.

Home: All utilities, rent, and a cord of wood. (I will expand on a later post on our rent).

Credit Card: This only include minimum payments.

Student Loans: Again only minimum payments.

Savings: From experience every time we go on a budget we tend to budget for "big expenses" as they come up. This is where we become discourage and begin to live off the budget. Not this year - every month I will send these funds to ING and we will only use them for our "big expenses". Included in the section are: emergency fund, Christmas and birthday gifts, Halloween party, annual vacation, home insurance and taxes.

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